Delissea lanaiensis

(Rock) Lammers (1998)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Asterids Order: Asterales Family: Campanulaceae Genus: Delissea


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Shrubs.

Stems: Stems usually branched, erect or ascending, 6–10 mm in diameter, moderately leafy toward apex, light gray or brown, unarmed, glabrous, with numerous helically arranged leaf scars toward apex, latex white, viscous.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Alternate, scattered along distal portion of stem. Blades oblanceolate or elliptic, 9–21 cm long, 3.2–6.4 cm wide. Apex acute or obtuse. Base cuneate or attenuate. Surfaces glabrous, blades fleshy when fresh, membranous to somewhat chartaceous when dry. Margins serrate or serrulate. Pinnately veined. Petioles terete (cylindrical), 2.5–7.0 cm long, ⅓–1⁄2 as long as lamina. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers in inflorescences several per stem, axillary, racemose, anauxotelic, racemes 5–8–flowered; peduncle and rachis ascending or spreading, glabrous, peduncle 4–11 mm long; rachis 6–7 mm long; bracts 0.7–0.8 mm long, glabrous, triangular or deltate (rarely becoming larger, foliaceous, oblanceolate), persistent, each subtending a pedicel; pedicels 9–12 mm long, ascending or spreading, ebracteolate or with a pair of minute knob-like glabrous or commonly pubescent bracteoles at or above the base; hypanthium 9–10 mm long, 3.2–4.5 mm in diameter, ¼–⅓ as long as corolla, narrowly ellipsoid or narrowly obconic. Flowers tetracyclic, bisexual (perfect), complete, protandrous, epigynous, resupinate, pedicellate. Calyx synsepalous, actinomorphic; tube adnate to the ovary, forming a glabrous hypanthium 1/10–⅓ as long as the corolla; lobes 5, 0.8–1.0 mm long, 0.3–0.5 mm wide, glabrous, persistent, distinct, triangular or deltate, 1/20–1/2 as long as the hypanthium. Corolla sympetalous, zygomorphic, bilabiate, 32–40 mm long, white, glabrous; tube strongly curved or arcuate, laterally compressed, 19–27 mm long, 1.5–3.5 mm tall at base, 2.8–4.5 mm tall above middle, dorsally cleft to about the middle, with a small knob at the terminus of the cleft, lobes 5, linear triangular, valvate, spreading, acute or acuminate at apex, somewhat dimorphic, dorsal lobes 11–13 mm long, 1–2 mm wide, 1⁄2–⅔ as long as tube; ventral lobes 9–13 mm long, 1.0–1.5 mm wide, the ventral three usually connate for ¼–1⁄2 their length. Stamens 5, syngenesious, antisepalous, exserted, emerging from the corolla above (rarely between) the dorsal lobes; filament tube 29–35 mm long; filaments connate, free from the corolla, inserted on the rim of the hypanthium; anther tube 2.9–3.0 mm in diameter, glabrous or sparsely pubescent at base; anthers connate, dithecal, dehiscing introrsely and longitudinally, 1/8-2/3 as long as the filament tube, dorsal anthers occluding the orifice of the tube, 8–10 mm long, ¼–3/10 as long as filament tube, ventral anthers 6–8 mm long, with tufts of hairs 1.8–2.2 mm long at apex, with apical tufts of stiff white hairs. Pollen tricolporate, prolate, ellipsoidal. Ovary inferior, 2-loculed, crowned by an annular nectary; placentae axile; ovules many; style slender, terete (cylindrical), with a ring of stiff white hairs near the apex; stigma 2-lobed, the lobes appressed and non–receptive as the style grows through the anther tube, pushing out pollen, after which the stigmas spread and become receptive.

Fruit: Fruit a small purple fleshy thin-walled berry; 10 mm long; cylindric. Seeds: mature seeds not seen.



Elevation Range:

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Lana'i Endemic

Dispersal Agents




Name Published In: Novon 8: 34 (1998)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:471 (L [as D. sinuata subsp. lanaiensis]); Lammers 1998:34 (COMBNOV & STATNOV:Syn. D. sinuata subsp. lanaiensis = D. lanaiensis, KEY)/Herbst & Wagner 1999:18; Lammers 2005:42 (KEY, DESCR)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Delissea lanaiensis (Rock) Lammers aukuu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 19 Lanai BISH 2/22/1915
2 Delissea lanaiensis (Rock) Lammers Aukuu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 405 Lanai BISH
3 Delissea lanaiensis (Rock) Lammers aukuu Metrosideros forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 405 Oahu BISH
4 Delissea lanaiensis (Rock) Lammers PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. hillebrand MO 1871-08-06
5 Delissea lanaiensis (Rock) Lammers Aukuu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 19 Lanai BISH 2/22/1915